Sunday, August 31, 2014

The fugly block

This is the cabin i pieced in the first round, i started working with the theory of lights on one side darks on the other, as you may see here, if you share my opinion, is that there may be more to this than that. I just started reading a text on practical colour theory, hope it helps me avoid further fuglies. More to come in way of update. I have made a discovery that solves this problem, i am in the middle of executing this solution, and will have pics soon that will show how i was able to take these same fabrics and mix them with my own more modern fabrics with what i am hoping is success. So far so good i have some log cabins that i am happy with , all i had to do was start using the wrong side of the fabrics that were making the addition of my fabrics impossible. I discovered that i Love these fabrics wrong side.This is probably due to the fact that i love grey and the wrong side of fabrics tends to have this neutral threaded through it. The wrong side appears more neutral which enabled me to add some nice accent colour without it being overwhelming, and it works.. i was so excited when i discovered this as it was like i immediately doubled my fabric stash in terms of colour value....more pics of the new blocks that i find pleasing, coming soon... i welcome any comment, please feel free to share any experiences you may have had with your own fugly fabric pairings and any solutions you may have discovered to make it work.

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